

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 4 years, 11 months ago

Before the workshop

if you have access to a computer, gather together as many of these tools as you feel comfortable with.

Here are some of the tools we can use:


A Gmail account gives access to a wide range of Google products, freely available and especially suited to education, including:



A Yahoo account grants access to



A Posterous account lets you


In 2013, Posterous was purchased by Twitter which, for whatever reason, killed off the service; for insight




Here are some software sites that students and teachers can use to contact one another at any time during a course, during or between online or face-to-fact classes


Wallwisher eventually changed its name to Padlet and is now (2020) free only for one wall. 


Other useful sites and tools 

These sites and tools can be used for gathering and disseminating information online during a course



PBworks reclaims URLs when they have not been revisited for a year.

This wiki was visited and altered by adding this text on March 4, 2020



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